Creamy Hot Chocolate Recipe

Nothing beats a hot beverage whenever it’s gloomy outside. There is always something very much soothing when you drink something hot specially on a rainy day. It might be because we are reminded of our childhood, sipping a cup of those homemade hot chocolate drink made by our moms or even making our own, even those instant ones. There is always a comforting side in sipping a simple cup of hot chocolate.

In the past years, I’ve always gone to instant hot chocolate drinks, those powdered ones which you only need to add hot water, and there you have your instant hot chocolate. But, while I’m coming of age, I’ve always wanted to have my own version of that favorite childhood drink which I want to make for my future kids. That’s why I made this recipe to share to my future kids, so they could remember their moms hot chocolate, and also to share with my friends and family.

A simple and easy to follow recipe for the creamiest hot chocolate.

Creamiest Hot Chocolate Recipe

Serving: 2 cups


  • 1/3 cup of organic cocoa powder (you may use any cocoa powder you have)
  • 2 – 3 cups of milk (I used a non-fat one)
  • 1/3 cup of vegan cream (you may use half and half or all purpose cream)
  • 4 tbsp of sugar
  • 1/3 cup water
  • Procedure:

    In a sauce pan, add all ingredients and combine
    Heat the pan, until you see steam coming out. Simmer for 3-5 mins
    Serve and enjoy.

Hope you enjoy your rainy day with this creamy hot chocolate!



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