
Hi, my name is Halle, a born and raised Filipina from the city of Manila, Philippines. Born during the year ’93 and currently pursuing how I want to live my life.  Like any other millennial, I love to eat, travel, and believes that life should be lived with purpose.

Why Blog? 

Simple, life is too short to just keep everything you learn to yourself. I like to learn from experience and experimenting, and would love to share it to others as well.

Why The Curious Morena?

Curiosity is a big part of my life. I basically learned everything out of curiosity, thus making me search hours and hours in the internet, books, and other materials about something that I may find interesting.

About the word Morena, I have tanned skin which in the Philippines is called “MORENA” and I just love being referred to be one.


What is the blog about? 

Food, Travel, and some personal stuff too. Let me elaborate.

Ever since I was a kid, Travelling and Food is a huge part of my life. Being able to travel, and experience other cultures makes me want to learn more about the people, the place, and the food. But unfortunately, I can only stay for days or months that’s when my passion for food and cooking took place. Every time I visit a place, I’ll surely try their delicacy and try to recreate them at home for me to still feel that I am still in that place a little longer.

In this blog, I’ll be posting some recipes that I have tried during my travels, recipes from my country, and/or those recipes that I find interesting.  I’ll also share some travel tips and budgeting for food and travel since I am a very stingy person.

And lastly, the personal stuff, would be thoughts about life, DIY projects, and what ever I may think of which I categorize as worth sharing to everyone. 🙂